
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Define "Nerd"

Found a blog called "The Nerd at the Cool Table"...

Before you ask any questions, let me ask one : How can one be a Nerd if you are at the Cool Table? Better yet, how is there a cool table if a nerd is present? Even is the writer of this blog so NOT nerdy that it's an oxymoron? I like the blog, I don't like the name. Is this supposed to be during the age where Nerds were cool? Like backpackers or something?

Either way...I found some funny gems on here that I think you might find fun as well...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's cool to be a Snob

Alot of people I know go to Highsnobiety for the latest in fashion. Not Idris Alba fashion but more like Kid Cudi, Vashtie and Common - if they all got together and produced an offspring - kind of fashion. And if you like the site, I applaud because it's okay to be that kind of snob. I, however, also love Highsnobette. This one is for the ladies! Oh yeah (fist in the air)! And they even posted a video of my favorite rapper, er...I mean, one of the greats. (Because I'm sure a Biggie, Tupac, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, etc., etc. fan would stop reading my blog if I said the TRUTH)

Video: Nas – TDK Life on Record